The Exo Terra Monitoring products are precision instruments.
Measuring is knowing.
Monitors multiple terrarium zones.
Simplified set-up.

Measuring is knowing.
Reptiles are ectotherm, and use heat from an external source to thermoregulate their optimal body temperature. Providing the correct species related temperature gradient and humidity levels in the terrarium is an important factor for the long term husbandry of reptiles and amphibians. With the Exo Terra® Monitoring Devices you can monitor the temperature and humidity levels in your terrarium 24/7, to make sure that the values are similar to those found in a desert or tropical environment. Keeping a keen eye on the temperature and humidity levels with the Exo Terra® Monitoring Devices will also help you to prevent overheating and undercooling during hot summer days or cold winter nights.
Monitors multiple terrarium zones.
Every reptile-, amphibian- or insect species thrives only in its own specific climatic environment. Often these species live in a microclimate, where the climatic conditions differ greatly from the macroclimatic conditions of a particular region. Thoroughly research the preferred optimum temperature (POTR) and humidity range for your specific animal, so you can create the correct temperature gradients and humidity inside the terrarium for your animals. The Exo Terra® Monitoring Devices can assist you in creating the right climatic conditions and allow you to monitor these values 24/7 to make sure your animals are kept under optimal conditions.

Simplified set-up.