In contrast to other animal groups, reptiles and amphibians are neglected subjects for expedition studies. Very few reptile communities have been adequately documented concerning their ecological behaviour. A carefully conducted study lasting just a few weeks can significantly contribute to the pool of scientific knowledge for most species of lizards, snakes and amphibians. Since reptiles and amphibians are neglected, their conservation is also often overlooked. Important sites with rare species or assemblages are destroyed or modified in detrimental ways simply because of the lack of knowledge and data. Conservation strategies rely on baseline biological data often missing for these groups.
The data collected during the Exo Terra Expeditions contribute to the scientific and conservation communities, broadening our knowledge and assuring the future of reptiles and amphibians. A better understanding of their behaviour in the wild enables our research and development teams to understand their needs and captive maintenance better.
“The data collected during the Exo Terra Expeditions contribute to the scientific and conservation communities…”
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