Uganda Expedition

Kibale Forest

Emmanuel Van Heygen
Exo Terra Brand Manager

In the heart of Western Uganda, veiled amidst the sprawling landscapes, stands Kibale Forest, a bastion of biodiversity, and nature’s most enduring masterpiece. Each part of its vast expanse tells tales of time and evolution, interwoven with the whispers of ancient spirits and the songs of countless beings. The verdant canvas of Kibale doesn’t merely nurture life; it is an entity that breathes, evolves, and beckons.

Kibale Forest

Sunrise in Kibale Forest

Nature’s Symphony at Dawn

As day’s first light pierces the horizon, a gentle golden hue bathes Kibale, announcing a fresh chapter in the age-old narrative of this realm. The silence of night retreats, making way for the exuberant dawn chorus of birds, each note more captivating than the last. From the diminutive sunbirds to the mighty crowned eagles, the air vibrates with promises of the mysteries waiting to unfold.

Kibale Forest

Areal view of Kibale Forest

The Heart of Green

Stretching for nearly 800 square kilometers, Kibale’s grandeur is evident in every leaf, every beam of light that dapples the forest floor, and every sigh of the wind rustling through its dense canopy. This forest—steeped in lore and legacy—isn’t just an amalgamation of trees and underbrush. Each tree stands as a sentinel, its roots embedded in stories of ages past, its branches reaching towards countless tomorrows. As you wander deeper, the air grows cooler, filled with the earthy aroma of decay and rebirth, a testament to the forest’s continuous cycle of life and death.

Kibale Forest

Bitis nasicornis is one of Africas most colorful, but deadliest snakes

Serpentine Splendor

Kibale’s harbors also nature’s most enigmatic and often misunderstood creatures: snakes. Slithering silently, merging seamlessly with the forest floor or hanging deftly from the trees, these creatures are the embodiment of grace, patience, and precision.

Central to this serpentine ensemble is the Bitis nasicornis or the Rhinoceros Viper. Aptly named for the distinctive horn-like structures on its snout, this snake is an artistic marvel. Its vibrant scales, adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of tribal art, are not just a visual spectacle but a masterful adaptation for camouflage among the fallen leaves and dappled sunlight of the forest floor. But it’s not just its appearance that intrigues; the Rhinoceros Viper’s patient hunting technique, lying in wait for the perfect moment to strike, is a testament to nature’s strategic brilliance.

However, their beauty comes with a cautionary note. Among the most venomous snakes in Africa, the bite of a Rhinoceros Viper can be fatal. Yet, for those who respect the boundaries of nature, observing this snake in its natural habitat becomes a lesson in understanding and appreciation. They are not the malevolent creatures of lore but essential components of the forest ecosystem, playing a pivotal role in controlling rodent populations and thereby maintaining the balance of life.

Kibale Forest

Chimpanzee, reflecting upon life in Kibale Forest

A Glimpse into Humanity’s Mirror

The dense foliage and entrancing calls of birds are but a prelude to the forest’s most touching narrative: the world of the chimpanzees. In the soft rustlings of the leaves and the sudden, raucous calls, you sense their presence before laying eyes on them. When finally you do, the encounter is soul-stirring. There’s an uncanny familiarity in their gaze—a reflection of ancient kinship. Watching their intricate social interactions, from playful frolics to tension-filled disagreements, is a vivid reminder of our shared evolutionary history.


Serenades of Twilight

As the sun begins its descent, casting a warm golden-orange hue over the treetops, Kibale undergoes a sublime transformation. The animated conversations of the day give way to the more mellow, yet equally enchanting, harmonies of twilight. Frogs, with their rhythmic crooning, become the maestros of this dusky orchestra, while fireflies add a visual magic to the gathering night.


Mysteries of the Night

Darkness in Kibale isn’t the absence of light; it’s a realm of shadowy intrigue. Nocturnal creatures emerge as the stars take their place in the inky sky. Nightjars, with their cryptic calls, dominate the airways, while on the ground, civets and bush babies go about their secretive routines. The forest pulses with an energy distinctly different from that of the daytime, with every rustle and distant call amplifying the enigmatic allure of nighttime.

Kibale Forest

The Great Blue Turaco in Kibale Forest

Kibale’s Lasting Embrace

Emerging from Kibale’s embrace, the heart carries with it more than memories. The forest, with its myriad tales of life, passion, and survival, leaves an indelible mark on the soul. The rustling leaves, the playful chimps, the ever-vigilant chameleons, and the songs of the forest come together in a grand symphony that speaks of the eternal, the ephemeral, and the intricate dance of existence. The narrative of Kibale is not just the story of a forest; it’s a chronicle of life itself.

Emmanuel Van Heygen
Exo Terra Brand Manager

“Kibale’s Forest ancient trees, elusive chameleons, playful primates, and myriad other life forms, Kibale extends an invitation — not just to explore but to connect, reflect, and be reborn in its embrace.”


Kibale Forest

Dawn over Kibale Forest

Kibale Forest

Armed guide in Kibale Forest for protection

Kibale Forest

In search of Chameleons and other wildlife in Kibale Forest

Kibale Forest

One of the target species, Bitis Nasicornis

Kibale Forest

The author, Emmanuel Van Heygen repositioning Bitis nasicornis for photography

Kibale Forest

Repositioning a young Bitis nasicornis to be photographed

Kibale Forest

Chimpanzee on the forest floor gazing at the forest canopy in Kibale

Kibale Forest

The forest canopy in Kibale

Uganda Journals

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Bigodi Swamps

In the heart of Uganda, the Bigodi swamps stand not just as a geographical landmark but as a beacon of life's astounding diversity and tenacity. It is a testament to the delicate balance of ecosystems – a living, breathing ode to the wonders of our natural world.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Deep within the heart of Bwindi's verdant labyrinth, amidst layers of ancient green, the chameleons—nature's unparalleled artisans—paint dynamic portraits of adaptation and intrigue. Trioceros johnstonii, with its colossal horns and intricate color patterns, stands as a testament to nature's boundless creativity.

Maramagambo Forest

Maramagambo Forest

A silent guardian of nature's mysteries lies deep within southwestern Uganda: the Maramagambo Forest. As dawn caresses its verdant canopy, the forest awakens in a medley of chirps, croaks, and rustling leaves, telling tales that span eons.

On the border with Congo

On the border with Congo

With every sunrise, Ishasha unraveled its multifaceted nature. From the commanding lions and the regal elephants to the chameleons' subtle artistry, each tale was a testament to the wilderness's undying spirit.

Rwenzori Mountains

Rwenzori Mountains

To venture into the Ruwenzoris is to embark on an odyssey of self-discovery and wonder. From the moment one sets foot on the damp, moss-covered forest floor, there’s an overwhelming feeling of stepping back in time.