Réunion Island

Réunion Island

Réunion Island is a jewel nestled in the azure waters of the Indian Ocean near Madagascar. This spectacular French overseas department boasts lush rainforests, dramatic coastlines, and rich biodiversity. Renowned for its dramatic volcanic peaks and vibrant cultural heritage, Réunion is a vital refuge for its unique and endemic wildlife. 

Among the island’s diverse inhabitants are two iconic species of day geckos: the Réunion Day Gecko (Phelsuma borbonica) and the Manapany Day Gecko (Phelsuma inexpectata). These strikingly beautiful creatures, adorned in hues of emerald green with splashes of red and blue, are emblematic of Réunion’s natural splendor and ecological richness.

As we delve deeper into the captivating world of Réunion’s endemic day geckos, we uncover their beauty and the urgent need to protect and conserve their habitats. Join us on a journey through Réunion’s lush jungles and rocky shores as we unravel the stories of these remarkable survival geckos and the ecosystems they call home.

Réunion Island Journals

Manapany Day Gecko at NOI

A lifeline for the Manapany day Gecko

Amidst the lush landscapes and dramatic coastal cliffs of Réunion Island, a small, vibrant gecko clings to survival in a world reshaped by human influence.

Protecting the Legacy of Réunion Island's Day Geckos

Protecting the Legacy of Réunion Island’s Day Geckos

Both species highlight the ongoing conservation challenges in preserving the unique habitats of Réunion Island. Protecting these geckos involves a comprehensive approach that includes habitat conservation, public awareness, and scientific research to understand better the ecological needs and behaviors of these vibrant reptiles.

Phelsuma borbonica borbonica from Bois-Blanc, Eastern Réunion

Rediscovering the Réunion Island Day Gecko

The Reunion Day Gecko, scientifically named Phelsuma borbonica, is a medium-sized, vibrantly colored lizard that thrives in the lu h landscapes of Réunion. This gecko demonstrates remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of environmental changes and symbolizes the island’s rich yet fragile natural heritage.

Phelsuma inexpectata

The Unique world of the Manapany Day Gecko

Amidst the lush landscapes and dramatic coastal cliffs of Réunion Island, a small, vibrant gecko clings to survival in a world reshaped by human influence. The Manapany Day Gecko or Phelsuma inexpectata is endemic to Réunion and cloaked in mystery, its original natural distribution obscured by centuries of human activity and a presumed shrinkage from much of its original territory. Today, this elusive creature's presence remains a patchwork of fragmented habitats, primarily clinging to the southern coastline within a mere 100 meters of the sea.

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