Substrates in natural terrariums have many functions and are not only there for decoration purposes. They play a very important role in the determination of the terrarium’s micro-climate. Digging and burrowing reptiles and amphibians have different needs than tree dwelling species, whereas desert animals prefer yet another type of substrate. Heat conductivity is important when a substrate heater like the Heat Wave is used and the absorption capacity will contribute to the overall air humidity. Exo Terra developed a series of substrates for the dry, humid and aquatic terrarium, all made from natural materials.

Exo Terra’s Desert substrates are natural, real desert sand with no added dyes or chemicals. The sand has been sifted to remove impurities and to obtain a homogenous sand grain size.

The Exo Terra Stone Desert mimics the natural soil found in arid regions, like deserts or savannahs. Most desert soils are not purely sand-based but rather a combination of sand, decomposed granite and clay resulting in interesting and sometimes colorful rock formations.

Terrarium Mats
The Exo Terra Sand Mats have a natural appearance and can be applied as a safe & hygienic substrate substitute for your reptiles.

Exo Terra’s tropical substrates regulate the terrarium’s humidity in a natural way by absorbing and slowly releasing moisture. The unique size and shape of the bark particles, in combination with natural sphagnum moss, allow frequent irrigation of your plants while still providing good aeration for healthy root growth.

The Exo Terra Coconut Substrates are made from compressed coconut husk fibre from the plantations of tropical Asia. This ecological substrate is ideal for increasing humidity in the terrarium and is totally safe for frogs, salamanders and burrowing or digging animals.

The aquatic substrates are ideal for many types of aquatic turtles. Soft-shell turtles especially prefer the find sand for digging and burrowing. The smooth pebbles prevent injury to bottom dwelling or foraging turtles.

Exo Terra Snake Bedding, a biodegradable reptile substrate made from sustainable untreated wood, is ideal for breeders and professional reptile keepers.